The Struggle for Global Trans Rights

Holly Springsteen
4 min readJul 23, 2023


The Global Trans Rights Index: An Overview

The Global Trans Rights Index, compiled by Asher Fergusson, is a unique resource that gives insight into the current state of trans rights worldwide. Covering 150 countries, the Index uses a range of factors, including legal gender recognition, protection from discrimination, and rights to marriage and adoption, among others, to measure each country’s standing regarding trans rights. The results are sobering. They present an image of a world grappling with the acceptance and understanding of trans individuals, with successes and failures in equal measure.

In countries like Brunei, United Arab Emirates, and Iran, where being transgender is criminalized, the repercussions of these regressive laws are deeply felt within the transgender community. These laws limit our freedom, instilling fear and perpetuating discrimination. However, countries such as Argentina, Malta, and Belgium, where trans individuals enjoy extensive legal protections and recognition, offer hope for a better future.

As a transgender individual, these disparities hit close to home. They offer a mirror to my own experiences, showing the reality of discrimination, the fight for legal recognition, and the struggle for rights often taken for granted by others.

Legal Recognition: A Fundamental Right

Legal recognition is an essential aspect of trans rights. The right to legally change one’s gender and be recognized by one’s chosen name is not just a question of personal identity but of dignity. It ensures that we, as transgender individuals, are seen and treated as who we truly are. However, the findings of the Global Trans Rights Index reveal that only 25% of the countries surveyed offer comprehensive legal gender recognition. This often comes with harsh conditions such as mandatory sterilization, divorce, or a mental health diagnosis.

The requirement of sterilization for legal gender recognition is particularly problematic. It involves invasive medical procedures that individuals may not necessarily want or be able to undergo. Furthermore, it bases legal recognition on physical attributes rather than self-identified gender, reinforcing harmful and outdated notions of binary gender norms.

The fact that only a quarter of the countries surveyed allows for comprehensive legal recognition underlines the urgency of the struggle for trans rights. It calls for continued advocacy for laws that respect and affirm our identities rather than stigmatize or penalize us.

Discrimination: An Enduring Challenge

Another stark finding from the Global Trans Rights Index is the prevalence of discrimination against transgender individuals. From employment and housing to healthcare and education, we face unequal treatment due to our gender identity. Only 21% of the countries surveyed have comprehensive laws prohibiting such discrimination. This lack of protection creates an environment where prejudice can flourish, significantly harming transgender individuals’ mental, physical, and economic well-being.

The discrimination often starts at an early age, with many transgender individuals facing bullying and harassment in schools. This can lead to lower educational attainment, impacting job prospects and economic stability later in life. Furthermore, in many countries, discrimination in healthcare prevents transgender individuals from accessing essential services, including gender-affirming care, leading to severe health disparities.

Therefore, the fight against discrimination is a crucial part of the struggle for trans rights. It requires societal change, education, and legislation to ensure fair and equal treatment of transgender individuals in all aspects of life.

Love and Family: Rights to Marriage and Adoption

Despite the challenges, there are signs of progress. The increasing global recognition of the rights of transgender individuals to marry and adopt is heartening. These rights affirm that love and family are universal human experiences, not limited by gender identity.

However, the path to this recognition has not been easy. It has often involved lengthy legal battles and changes to centuries-old laws. Even with these legal changes, societal acceptance can lag. Transgender individuals and their families continue to face discrimination and stigma, adding another layer to the struggle for trans rights.

Yet, every win, every country that recognizes these fundamental rights, brings hope. It sends a powerful message to transgender individuals worldwide: that our love is valid, our families are real, and our rights are worth fighting for.

The Path Forward: A Call to Action

The Global Trans Rights Index, while painting a bleak picture, also serves as a call to action. It underscores the vast disparities that we, as transgender individuals, face daily and the urgent need for change. However, it also highlights the progress and possibility of a future where transgender rights are universally recognized and respected.

The journey to achieving this vision is long and arduous, but each step forward brings us closer, no matter how small. Whether it’s advocating for legal recognition, combating discrimination, or pushing for marriage and adoption rights, every action matters.

We must stand together, raise our voices, and fight for a more inclusive, equitable world. A world where being transgender isn’t a barrier to living a fulfilling, respected life but a celebrated part of human diversity.



Holly Springsteen

Accomplished woman with a diverse career: USMC Veteran, photographer, software dev, tech exec, Divemaster, and home chef. _____________ HIT FOLLOW ⤵